On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits Jordan and Israel to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip inhabitants. His eighth visit to the region since Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel comes amid renewed hope for a cease-fire.

BY SIRAJ April -30-2024 EAST 11: 24

Key updates

This is RIYADH, Saudi Arabia. On Monday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken attempted to move forward with plans for securing and rebuilding Gaza once the Israel-Hamas war comes to an end. However, reluctance among the Arab nations that U.S. officials envision will assist in overseeing the devastated territory highlighted the difficulty that Washington faces in developing a “day after” blueprint.

Blinken visits region, hopes for cease-fire talks

During his speech at an event hosted by the World Economic Forum in the Saudi capital, Blinken stated that the administration of Vice President Joe Biden would continue its months-long pursuit of a settlement for Gaza, which has been under the authority of Hamas since 2007. Israel has made a commitment to eliminate the terrorist organization and make certain that it will not be able to carry out another attack, but it has not agreed to any plans for the future that are supported by the United States.

“Blinken stated that a significant amount of work has been done on that; however, additional work needs to be done in order for us to be prepared.” “At the same time, I believe it is obvious that in the absence of a genuine political horizon for Palestinians, it is going to be much more difficult, if not impossible, to really have a coherent plan for Gaza itself, which is why we are working on that as well,” she said.

Blinken visits region, hopes for cease-fire talks

Blinken visits Jordan and Israel on Middle East tour.

The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, will continue his tour of the Middle East on Tuesday. He will travel to Jordan and Israel with the intention of providing additional humanitarian help to civilians living in the Gaza Strip, which is now experiencing a great deal of conflict.

Ayman Safadi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and King Abdullah II of Jordan, who has been advocating for expanded humanitarian aid into Gaza for a long time and has personally participated in airdrops into the Palestinian enclave, are scheduled to meet with Blinken in Jordan. Blinken is scheduled to meet with both of them in Amman.

In the wake of renewed confidence that negotiations could result in a cease-fire, Blinken made his eighth trip to the region since Hamas launched its offensive on Israel on October 7.

By addressing the ongoing humanitarian issue in Gaza on Monday in Saudi Arabia, Blinken stated that the most efficient method to “alleviate the suffering… is to get a cease-fire and the hostages home.” Blinken was speaking about the situation in Gaza. He went on to say that the United States was exerting pressure on Israel to take measures to safeguard civilians, work toward bettering humanitarian conditions, and ensure the safety of relief workers.

“Extraordinarily generous on the part of Israel,” Blinken said of the most recent cease-fire agreement offered by Israel. According to a former Egyptian official who was aware of the negotiations, the initial cease-fire would involve the release of thirty-three captives by the Egyptian government. Initially, Israel had advocated for the release of forty individuals.


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