Call for an immediate end to hostilities in Gaza from Jordan, France, and Egypt's top officials

The current monarch of Jordan is Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein. France is led by President Emmanuel Macron. The president of Egypt is Abdel Fatah El-Sisi.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the war there must immediately come to a close. No amount of bloodshed, violence, or conflict can resolve the Middle Eastern conflict. There will be two states in the solution. This is the only reasonable way to end the violence that has ensued since October 7th and make sure that both the Israelis and the Palestinians never have to experience what happened then again.

Finally taking charge, the United Nations Security Council demanded an immediate end to the fighting in Gaza on March 25. We must not waste any more time and complete this crucial task.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2728 must be immediately and unconditionally implemented in response to the unbearable human toll of the war. This demand is made by the leaders of Egypt, France, and Jordan. A lasting end to the fighting in Gaza must be achieved immediately.

We underscore the urgency of executing the Security Council’s call for the immediate release of all hostages and reaffirm our support for the negotiations that are being mediated by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States that are addressing a cease-fire, as well as the hostages and prisoners. It is our hope that these negotiations will be successful.

Call for an immediate end to hostilities in Gaza from Jordan, France, and Egypt's top officials

While we stress the need of everyone following all applicable United Nations Security Council resolutions, we also caution against the potentially catastrophic outcomes of an Israeli attack on Rafah, the safe haven for about 1.5 million Palestinian residents. greater casualties, greater misery, and the possibility of regional escalation would result from such an attack, not to mention that it would increase the likelihood of mass displacement in Gaza. We reaffirm our utmost reverence for every life. Every act of violence, terrorist attack, or random assault on civilians is abhorrent, and we denounce all breaches of international humanitarian law. The pillar of international humanitarian law is the fundamental legal obligation for all parties to protect civilians. Under no circumstances may you evade this responsibility.

Famine is already starting to set in for the Palestinians in Gaza, not just a threat. A dramatic uptick in the distribution and supply of humanitarian aid is immediately required. Two resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council—2720 and 2728—state categorically the critical need to increase humanitarian aid supplies.

While we stress the need of everyone following all applicable United Nations Security Council resolutions, we also caution against the potentially catastrophic outcomes of an Israeli attack on Rafah, the safe haven for about 1.5 million Palestinian residents. greater casualties, greater misery, and the possibility of regional escalation would result from such an attack, not to mention that it would increase the likelihood of mass displacement in Gaza. We reaffirm our utmost reverence for every life. Every act of violence, terrorist attack, or random assault on civilians is abhorrent, and we denounce all breaches of international humanitarian law. The pillar of international humanitarian law is the fundamental legal obligation for all parties to protect civilians. Under no circumstances may you evade this responsibility.

Famine is already starting to set in for the Palestinians in Gaza, not just a threat. A dramatic uptick in the distribution and supply of humanitarian aid is immediately required. Two resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council—2720 and 2728—state categorically the critical need to increase humanitarian aid supplies.

Humanitarian actors and United Nations agencies, such as the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, are playing an essential part in the relief efforts that are taking place in Gaza. It is imperative that they be safeguarded and given complete access, even in the northern portion of the Gaza Strip. We deplore the murders of people who work in humanitarian help, most recently the attack that was carried out against the aid truck belonging to World Central Kitchen.


Israel is under an obligation to ensure that the Palestinian population receives humanitarian assistance, which is a responsibility that it has not met. This obligation is in accordance with international law. We underscore the call made by the Security Council to remove obstacles to humanitarian assistance and for Israel to quickly expedite humanitarian assistance across all crossing points, particularly in the northern part of the Gaza Strip and through a direct land route from Jordan, in addition to traveling by sea.

In close coordination with the United Nations system and other regional partners, we, the leaders of Egypt, France, and Jordan, are resolute in our commitment to continue scaling up our efforts to fulfill the humanitarian, medical, and health requirements of the civilian population of Gaza.

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize how important it is to work toward reestablishing hope for peace and security for everyone in the region, particularly the people of Israel and Palestine. We want to underscore our desire to continue working together in order to prevent any further spillover into the region, and we are requesting that all actors refrain from taking any actions that could escalate the situation. All unilateral actions, including land confiscation and settlement activity, should be stopped immediately, according to our demands. Additionally, we strongly encourage Israel to prevent violence between settler groups.

Respecting the historical and legal status quo at Jerusalem’s Christian and Muslim holy sites, as well as the function of the Jordanian Waqf under the Hashemite custodianship, is something that we underline as being absolutely necessary.

We want to emphasize our determination to step up our collaborative efforts in order to successfully bring about the solution of having two states together. The establishment of a Palestinian state that is independent and sovereign, based on the two-state solution, in conformity with international law and relevant decisions of the United Nations Security Council, with the goal of living side by side with Israel in peace and security, is the only option to achieve genuine peace. The Security Council is obligated to play a part in reopening this window of opportunity for peace in a decisive manner.


Greetings to each and every one of you wonderful people from all over the world! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself; my name is Siraj Ud Din Khanyari, and I am the editor in chief for the dedicated team where we have already made our contributions. Since the year 2002, Playway Production has been producing films that cover a variety of genres, including entertainment, sports, documentary, and news.

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