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Grey’s Anatomy continues to captivate students as it embarks on its 20th season

(WATE)—In Knoxville, Tennessee, Grey's Anatomy scrubs are about to begin. On Thursday, the 20th season of the longest-running primetime medical drama on television premiered. A local college student finds professional inspiration in it as well.

Surgical technologist student Brea Rhode attends Knoxville’s South College. In addition, Grey’s Anatomy (on ABC) is her favorite show. “I viewed shows in a single sitting.” She has no shame in admitting that the TV show was a major influence in her decision to become a professional. The selling point of my entry into surgical technology was Grey’s Anatomy. Every season has been watched by me.

She enjoys the thought of being a surgical technician but could live without the show’s dramatic elements. It’s quite interactive. Because of the trust they instill in us, we know that we can handle everything life throws at us.

Earlier today—Scrubs for Grey’s Anatomy are going to start soon in Knoxville, Tennessee. The longest-running primetime medical drama on television debuted its 20th season on Thursday on television. It also serves as a source of professional inspiration for a college student in the area.

Brea Rhode attends South College in Knoxville with the intention of becoming a surgical technologist. Plus, Grey’s Anatomy is her favorite show on ABC. “I watched all the shows in one sitting.” To this day, she still claims that the TV show was the deciding factor in her professional path. My one and only motivation for entering the field of surgical technology was to work on Grey’s Anatomy. I’ve caught every episode.

Grey's Anatomy continues to captivate students as it embarks on its 20th season

When they invited us to visit South College’s high-tech training lab and equipment, we were able to catch up with Brea, along with a few other students and teachers. Surgical technologists are frequently disregarded, according to Chris Blevins, who serves as the Senior Department Chair of Surgical Technology at South College. While surgeons and nurses are frequently highlighted on Grey’s Anatomy, surgical technologists are frequently ignored.

“They ask for a scalpel, or they ask for a specific instrument, and this gorgeous hand that is clad in a gown and gloves comes into the picture and hands him exactly what he needs, and that hand belongs to the surgical technologist.” The sterile member of the operating room team is the surgical technologist, who is responsible for providing assistance to the surgeon during the surgery.
The prospect of Brea one day working as a techie in the operation room gets her very thrilled. But for the time being, she is having a great time acquiring all of the knowledge that she need. “I adore it – I have the best teachers,” she said. Indeed, they are remarkable. And looking forward to the twenty-first season of Grey’s Anatomy.

According to Blevins, the curriculum for becoming a surgical technologist is equivalent to earning a Bachelor of Science degree, and it may be finished in a period of 18 months if the student does not take any vacations.

Add YouAt the upcoming meeting, the commissioners are hoping to put a stop to the drama surrounding Blount Memorial Hospital.r Heading Text Here

BLOUNT COUNTY, Tenn. (WATE) — A resolution on the agenda for the Blount County Commission meeting could end a longstanding dispute over the management of Blount Memorial Hospital.
The clash between county leaders and the hospital started nearly two years ago. The resolution would establish a management plan for the hospital and end litigation between the two groups.
Blount County Commissioner Nick Bright said it’s past time to find a solution.
There are a total of three resolutions that pertain to the hospital that are on the agenda, and Bright is feeling optimistic that they will all be approved.

“First, they reach a settlement that brings an end to the legal dispute between Blount Memorial and the county. In the second place, they established a consulting firm, and in the third place, they completed the sale of the Morning View Transitional Care Facility,” described the individual.
With the passage of all three motions, the hospital would be granted management authority, a board of directors would be established consisting of individuals who have been recognized by elected bodies in the county, litigation between the parties would be terminated, and the sale of the Morning View facility would be permitted.

The hospital would be able to overcome some of its financial difficulties with the assistance of that sale, which contributed to the conflict. That this would be a start toward getting the hospital back on track was something that Commissioner Misty Davis stated.

The statement was made by her. “We want to provide exceptional employment and health care to our citizens,” she added. “Just to sell assets and invest in the strategic improvements to our county-owned hospital.”

WATE received a written statement from Johnathan Smith, who is serving as the interim chief executive officer at Blount Memorial. Smith said, “We have been working in good faith with Blount County government to discuss and make progress on this item.”
Davis stated that one must make a judgment regarding management immediately.

We aim to manage our finances in a responsible manner, but at the same time, we want to guarantee that we provide great care. At the same time, we want to make sure that all of the employment opportunities for the hospital are available to the inhabitants of our county so that they do not have to travel to another county in order to receive medical care,” she explained.

It is anticipated that the commission will vote on these resolutions during their meeting that will take place on March 21. The management agreement would be the first of its sort in the roughly eight decades that the hospital has been in operation, as stated in the resolution.

The disagreement started in June of 2022, when a number of mayors from nearby cities wrote a letter to the board of directors of the hospital, expressing their concern over the selection process for the hospital’s next chief executive officer. Then, in December of 2022, Blount Memorial Hospital filed a lawsuit in an effort to gain independence from the supervision of local government and to be granted permission to proceed with plans to sell another building that was constructed without the use of county funds.
Then, in February of 2023, the mayor of Blount County demanded that the hospital be taken over by the University of Tennessee Medical Center in a letter. WATE was informed by the hospital’s CEO at the time, Harold Naramore, that he was taken aback by the letter. Additionally, a letter demanding that negotiations be terminated was delivered to UTMC.

Blount Memorial and county leaders were ordered to participate in mediation by the judge in March of 2023; however, no agreement was achieved between the parties. As of January 2024, Naramore resigned from his position as CEO, and Jonathan Smith was appointed to the position of Interim CEO.


Greetings to each and every one of you wonderful people from all over the world! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself; my name is Siraj Ud Din Khanyari, and I am the editor in chief for the dedicated team where we have already made our contributions. Since the year 2002, Playway Production has been producing films that cover a variety of genres, including entertainment, sports, documentary, and news.

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Google made an animated doodle to honor flat white coffee. Here’s how to make it.

Google made an animated doodle to honor flat white coffee. Here’s how to make it.

An espresso shot is used to make a flat white, which is then topped with steamed milk and a thin layer of microform. A flat white is generally served in a cup made of ceramic for the experience

Google made an animated doodle to honor flat white coffee. Here's how to make it.

Today, Google is celebrating the popularity of flat white coffee across the globe through an adorable and interactive doodle

The coffee beverage consists of steamed milk poured over an espresso shot and is thought to have originated in Australia or New Zealand. Google has selected March 11 to celebrate flat white, as on this day in 2011, the word was added to the Oxford English Dictionary
”Today’s animated Doodle celebrates the flat white, a beloved coffee drink of steamed milk poured over a shot of espresso. Many speculate the drink was first served in Australia and New Zealand during the 1980s when the drink popped up on menus in Sydney and Auckland around the same time,” Google
A flat white is made up of an espresso shot topped with steamed milk and a thin layer of microform and is traditionally served in a ceramic cup. The milk is steamed, not frothed, to leave a smooth and velvety crema on top.
There is a difference between a Latte and a Flat White in that the Flat White is a creamy drink that is based on espresso, but it has a double shot of espresso and less milk than a Latte does.

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“”Considering that a flat white is “flatter” than a cappuccino or latte, it is a popular choice among coffee lovers who are searching for less foam in their beverages. Quite frequently, baristas will demonstrate their expertise and produce stunning works of art with the pour. This is something that can be seen at a great number of cafes all across Australia and New Zealand. As the culture surrounding coffee has evolved over the years, so have the methods that are used to prepare the flat white. In the past, it was made with whole milk; but, in modern times, it is usual to see people in Australia and New Zealand ordering it with plant-based milk; oat milk is becoming an increasingly popular option. According to Google’s additional writing, “since then, the flat white has spread far across the world, delighting and becoming synonymous with a staple in many countries.


Greetings to each and every one of you wonderful people from all over the world! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself; my name is Siraj Ud Din Khanyari, and I am the editor in chief for the dedicated team where we have already made our contributions. Since the year 2002, Playway Production has been producing films that cover a variety of genres, including entertainment, sports, documentary, and news.

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