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Call for an immediate end to hostilities in Gaza from Jordan, France, and Egypt’s top officials

Call for an immediate end to hostilities in Gaza from Jordan, France, and Egypt's top officials

The current monarch of Jordan is Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein. France is led by President Emmanuel Macron. The president of Egypt is Abdel Fatah El-Sisi.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the war there must immediately come to a close. No amount of bloodshed, violence, or conflict can resolve the Middle Eastern conflict. There will be two states in the solution. This is the only reasonable way to end the violence that has ensued since October 7th and make sure that both the Israelis and the Palestinians never have to experience what happened then again.

Finally taking charge, the United Nations Security Council demanded an immediate end to the fighting in Gaza on March 25. We must not waste any more time and complete this crucial task.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2728 must be immediately and unconditionally implemented in response to the unbearable human toll of the war. This demand is made by the leaders of Egypt, France, and Jordan. A lasting end to the fighting in Gaza must be achieved immediately.

We underscore the urgency of executing the Security Council’s call for the immediate release of all hostages and reaffirm our support for the negotiations that are being mediated by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States that are addressing a cease-fire, as well as the hostages and prisoners. It is our hope that these negotiations will be successful.

Call for an immediate end to hostilities in Gaza from Jordan, France, and Egypt's top officials

While we stress the need of everyone following all applicable United Nations Security Council resolutions, we also caution against the potentially catastrophic outcomes of an Israeli attack on Rafah, the safe haven for about 1.5 million Palestinian residents. greater casualties, greater misery, and the possibility of regional escalation would result from such an attack, not to mention that it would increase the likelihood of mass displacement in Gaza. We reaffirm our utmost reverence for every life. Every act of violence, terrorist attack, or random assault on civilians is abhorrent, and we denounce all breaches of international humanitarian law. The pillar of international humanitarian law is the fundamental legal obligation for all parties to protect civilians. Under no circumstances may you evade this responsibility.

Famine is already starting to set in for the Palestinians in Gaza, not just a threat. A dramatic uptick in the distribution and supply of humanitarian aid is immediately required. Two resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council—2720 and 2728—state categorically the critical need to increase humanitarian aid supplies.

While we stress the need of everyone following all applicable United Nations Security Council resolutions, we also caution against the potentially catastrophic outcomes of an Israeli attack on Rafah, the safe haven for about 1.5 million Palestinian residents. greater casualties, greater misery, and the possibility of regional escalation would result from such an attack, not to mention that it would increase the likelihood of mass displacement in Gaza. We reaffirm our utmost reverence for every life. Every act of violence, terrorist attack, or random assault on civilians is abhorrent, and we denounce all breaches of international humanitarian law. The pillar of international humanitarian law is the fundamental legal obligation for all parties to protect civilians. Under no circumstances may you evade this responsibility.

Famine is already starting to set in for the Palestinians in Gaza, not just a threat. A dramatic uptick in the distribution and supply of humanitarian aid is immediately required. Two resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council—2720 and 2728—state categorically the critical need to increase humanitarian aid supplies.

Humanitarian actors and United Nations agencies, such as the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, are playing an essential part in the relief efforts that are taking place in Gaza. It is imperative that they be safeguarded and given complete access, even in the northern portion of the Gaza Strip. We deplore the murders of people who work in humanitarian help, most recently the attack that was carried out against the aid truck belonging to World Central Kitchen.


Israel is under an obligation to ensure that the Palestinian population receives humanitarian assistance, which is a responsibility that it has not met. This obligation is in accordance with international law. We underscore the call made by the Security Council to remove obstacles to humanitarian assistance and for Israel to quickly expedite humanitarian assistance across all crossing points, particularly in the northern part of the Gaza Strip and through a direct land route from Jordan, in addition to traveling by sea.

In close coordination with the United Nations system and other regional partners, we, the leaders of Egypt, France, and Jordan, are resolute in our commitment to continue scaling up our efforts to fulfill the humanitarian, medical, and health requirements of the civilian population of Gaza.

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize how important it is to work toward reestablishing hope for peace and security for everyone in the region, particularly the people of Israel and Palestine. We want to underscore our desire to continue working together in order to prevent any further spillover into the region, and we are requesting that all actors refrain from taking any actions that could escalate the situation. All unilateral actions, including land confiscation and settlement activity, should be stopped immediately, according to our demands. Additionally, we strongly encourage Israel to prevent violence between settler groups.

Respecting the historical and legal status quo at Jerusalem’s Christian and Muslim holy sites, as well as the function of the Jordanian Waqf under the Hashemite custodianship, is something that we underline as being absolutely necessary.

We want to emphasize our determination to step up our collaborative efforts in order to successfully bring about the solution of having two states together. The establishment of a Palestinian state that is independent and sovereign, based on the two-state solution, in conformity with international law and relevant decisions of the United Nations Security Council, with the goal of living side by side with Israel in peace and security, is the only option to achieve genuine peace. The Security Council is obligated to play a part in reopening this window of opportunity for peace in a decisive manner.

AI—according to Jamie Dimon—may have an impact on the economy comparable to that of electricity.

AI—according to Jamie Dimon—may have an impact on the economy comparable to that of electricity.

BY SIRAJ April -08-2024

Jamie Dimon is of the opinion that artificial intelligence will have a significant influence on the business world in the coming year.

In his annual shareholder letter, which was sent out on Monday, Dimon, who is widely regarded as one of the most important corporate leaders in the world, stated that although he does not yet know the entire effect that artificial intelligence will have on business, the economy, or society, he is aware that its influence will be considerable.

According to the letter that was written by the CEO of JPMorgan Chase (JPM), “We are completely convinced that the consequences will be extraordinary and possibly as transformative as some of the major technological inventions of the past several hundred years: Think of the printing press, the steam engine, electricity, computing, and the Internet, among others.”

As a result of the growth of artificial intelligence, workplaces all over the world have already been revolutionized, and the International Monetary Fund estimates that AI could potentially disrupt about forty percent of the world’s workforce. Its consequences have already been felt in a variety of industries, including medical, banking, and music.

We think that our use of artificial intelligence will, over the course of time, have the ability to enhance practically every job, as well as alter the composition of our workforce,” Dimon stated. There is a possibility that it would diminish specific job categories or functions, but it could also create new ones.

More than two thousand artificial intelligence and machine learning specialists are now part of the JPMorgan organization. Additionally, the bank has just announced the creation of a new job for a chief data and analytics officer who would be a member of their operating committee.

Additionally, Dimon was aware of the dangers that are associated with the AI surge. It is possible that you are already aware of the fact that there are malicious actors who are utilizing artificial intelligence in order to attempt to breach the systems of businesses in order to steal money and intellectual property or just to cause disruption and harm.

It was reported in January that JPMorgan had witnessed a significant increase in the number of daily attempts by hackers to access its networks over the course of the previous year. This statement brought to light the growing number of cybersecurity difficulties that the bank and other Wall Street corporations are currently facing.

Additionally, JPMorgan Chase, which is the largest bank in the United States in terms of assets, is currently investing $15 billion annually and employing 62,000 technologists in order to help strengthen its defenses against cyber crimes.

AI—according to Jamie Dimon—may have an impact on the economy comparable to that of electricity.

JPMorgan Chase’s CEO, AI could one day make almost every employment obsolete. Getty Images

AI—according to Jamie Dimon—may have an impact on the economy comparable to that of electricity.

Jamie Dimon Getty Images

We think that our use of artificial intelligence will, over the course of time, have the ability to enhance practically every job, as well as alter the composition of our workforce,” Dimon stated. There is a possibility that it would diminish specific job categories or functions, but it could also create new ones.

More than two thousand artificial intelligence and machine learning specialists are now part of the JPMorgan organization. Additionally, the bank has just announced the creation of a new job for a chief data and analytics officer who would be a member of their operating committee.

Additionally, Dimon was aware of the dangers that are associated with the AI surge. It is possible that you are already aware of the fact that there are malicious actors who are utilizing artificial intelligence in order to attempt to breach the systems of businesses in order to steal money and intellectual property or just to cause disruption and harm.

It was reported in January that JPMorgan had witnessed a significant increase in the number of daily attempts by hackers to access its networks over the course of the previous year. This statement brought to light the growing number of cybersecurity difficulties that the bank and other Wall Street corporations are currently facing.

Additionally, JPMorgan Chase, which is the largest bank in the United States in terms of assets, is currently investing $15 billion annually and employing 62,000 technologists in order to help strengthen its defenses against cyber crimes.

Acquiring the First Republic

Following the federal seizure of the San Francisco-based regional bank First Republic in May of last year, JPMorgan obtained the majority of its assets. The event was the second-largest failure of a bank in the United States.

Following the federal seizure of the San Francisco-based regional bank First Republic in May of last year, JPMorgan obtained the majority of its assets. The event was the second-largest failure of a bank in the United States.

Last spring, three US regional lenders went under, causing financial institutions and regulators to rush to stop the banking crisis from spreading. This fall was a part of that collapse.

Dimon stated on Monday that they believed the current financial crisis had passed when they bought First Republic in May 2023, after two other regional banks, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank, failed.

The “toxic combination” of excessive interest rate exposure, huge unrealized losses, and concentrated deposits was, in his opinion, unique to those three institutions. Although, he did caution that “there will be plenty of stress — not just in the banking system but with leveraged companies and others” in the event of a recession or a spike in interest rates.

Fears of inflation

Fears of inflation

“The United States may be entering one of the most treacherous geopolitical eras since World War II,” Dimon reiterated his earlier warning to investors.

He sees a lot of dangers, even while important economic statistics seem good and inflation rates are going down.

According to his analysis, there are several factors that could lead to inflation. These include continued government spending, global remilitarization, changes in global trade, the capital requirements of the green economy, and the possibility of future energy price increases caused by inadequate investment in energy infrastructure, despite the abundance of gas and spare capacity in oil.

A soft landing, in which inflation is reduced without causing an economic recession, is currently priced in at 70% to 80% by the markets. Dimon stated that those chances are excessively optimistic.

He claimed that traders are ignoring long-term geopolitical and policy risks in favor of following the Federal Reserve’s monthly maneuvers.

He expressed his concern about the excessive emphasis on monthly inflation data and small interest rate fluctuations.

Investors would be better served by considering the future a year or two out. His argument was that “many people feel” that “little changes in interest rates today may have less impact on inflation in the future than what really happened.

Dimon has been vocal about his concerns about the US debt ceiling, deficit spending, fiscal stimulus, and the consequences of quantitative tightening.

“These geopolitical and economic forces are having effects that are both large and somewhat unprecedented,” he stated. “Until they play out in their entirety over several years, they may not be fully understood.”

“The United States may be entering one of the most treacherous geopolitical eras since World War II,” Dimon reiterated his earlier warning to investors.

He sees a lot of dangers, even while important economic statistics seem good and inflation rates are going down.

According to his analysis, there are several factors that could lead to inflation. These include continued government spending, global remilitarization, changes in global trade, the capital requirements of the green economy, and the possibility of future energy price increases caused by inadequate investment in energy infrastructure, despite the abundance of gas and spare capacity in oil.

A soft landing, in which inflation is reduced without causing an economic recession, is currently priced in at 70% to 80% by the markets. Dimon stated that those chances are excessively optimistic.

He claimed that traders are ignoring long-term geopolitical and policy risks in favor of following the Federal Reserve’s monthly maneuvers.

He expressed his concern about the excessive emphasis on monthly inflation data and small interest rate fluctuations.

Investors would be better served by considering the future a year or two out. His argument was that “many people feel” that “little changes in interest rates today may have less impact on inflation in the future than what really happened.

Dimon has been vocal about his concerns about the US debt ceiling, deficit spending, fiscal stimulus, and the consequences of quantitative tightening.

“These geopolitical and economic forces are having effects that are both large and somewhat unprecedented,” he stated. “Until they play out in their entirety over several years, they may not be fully understood.”

Following First Republic’s demise, JPMorgan Chase will acquire the majority of its assets.

In an agreement announced early Monday, JPMorgan Chase will acquire the majority of First Republic Bank’s assets, safeguarding the money of First Republic’s clients following the nation’s second-largest bank failure ever.

The independent government body that guarantees bank deposits for customers, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, had transferred First Republic’s insured and uninsured accounts to JPMorgan Chase, which had acquired “the substantial majority of assets” from First Republic.

“Our government invited us and others to step up, and we did,” expressed Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase. According to him, the deal is beneficial for his bank’s shareholders as well, since it would increase the bank’s predicted earnings in the future.

AI—according to Jamie Dimon—may have an impact on the economy comparable to that of electricity.

Ben Franklin, played by Michael Douglas? You risk everything.

Douglas plays the famous founding father as a swaggering 18th-century rock star in "Franklin," evoking a touch of Gordon Gekko.

BY SIRAJ April -07-2024

In the city of Angels— A subdued roar emanates from the gathering in the Polo Lounge of the Beverly Hills Hotel on a chilly Saturday afternoon in March. The restaurant was once a symbol of the pinnacle of Hollywood opulence and sophistication when Kirk Douglas was a star; today, it’s just a place for visitors to take selfies and locals to get wild with their cocktails during lunch.

However, the glitz is momentarily revived as Michael Douglas enters the room. Not only does Douglas bring a connection to the Lounge’s most legendary past as Kirk’s son, but he is also a genuine star in his own right, which causes faces to light up with warm, welcoming smiles. it’s for all those years that Michael Douglas has been That Guy, personifying a specific type of White masculinity that emerged in the late 20th century.

At his peak, Douglas embodied and reflected the cardinal forces influencing American society, such as postfeminist manhood, 1980s avarice, nuclear meltdown fears, and his generation’s transgressive desires, romantic ambitions, and rapacious ambitions. Douglas seemed remarkably attuned even in the 2000 film “Wonder Boys,” in which he played a pot-smoking, bathrobe-wearing college professor. In this role, he portrayed the panic felt by millions of baby boomers who had just realized they were entering middle age, not to mention on the cusp of leaving it.

Ben Franklin, played by Michael Douglas? You risk everything.

Sitting comfortably in a seat, ordering a cup of peppermint tea, 79-year-old Douglas doesn’t appear to be a cultural bellwether. Douglas has long found amusement in the idea that he looks more like Hollywood royalty, what with his now-white hair as perfect as his blue sport coat. Although he has spent some time in Los Angeles, his upbringing was in New York and Connecticut, and he attended Santa Barbara State University. Now that he is married to actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, they mostly reside in New York’s Westchester County. Douglas states, “It’s just hard to get away from it when you’re here,” in reference to the incessant shoptalk typical of a company town. “Every meal of the day is here. And I love having friends from many walks of life, not just the entertainment industry.

Douglas may not have a permanent residence in Los Angeles, but he certainly feels at home there. Earlier in the day, he was spotted having a cordial conversation with Emmy voters from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, who had gone to see the premiere of “Franklin,” in which Douglas portrays Benjamin Franklin, a founding father. On April 12, the eight-hour series will premiere on Apple TV Plus. Much to the actor’s relief, the audience went wild for the scene in which Franklin travels to France in 1776 to convince King Louis XVI to provide financial and military aid to the American Revolution.

As Franklin, Douglas plays him during his nine-year stay in France, when he developed his own style of persuasive diplomacy. “I dealt with doubt all the way through most of the production,” he acknowledges. Doug Douglas and Tim Van Patten, who directed the series, debated whether to use elaborate prosthetics and makeup to achieve Franklin’s unique appearance, particularly his infamously high forehead, but ultimately opted for a more realistic approach. While Douglas’s character in “Franklin” doesn’t wear a wig or powdered makeup, he does wear gray, wavy hairpieces and extensions. Instead of someone attempting to pull off a Benjamin Franklin impression, he resembles Michael Douglas.

Ben Franklin, played by Michael Douglas? You risk everything.

“I thought the audience would be more comfortable if they knew the character…. Instead of going through “eight hours of the complete Ben Franklin covering up Michael,” Douglas explains. It simply liberated me to a greater extent. A risk was still involved, he notes, asking, “Can I give the persona of Franklin?”

As preview viewers take in “Franklin” and come to terms with the ineffable merging of actor, character, and actual historical man, their anxieties seem to be fading. “Embraces Franklin’s spirit in many ways,” Van Patten remarked during a post-screening Q&A, with reference to Douglas. “Franklin is really bright, personable, inquisitive, and brimming with insight and humor. And Michael is that?

U.S. rushes to complete designs for Gaza pier in anticipation of impending famine

Within days, American forces are expected to reach the eastern Mediterranean, but several obstacles have emerged.

BY SIRAJ April -07-2024

As a floating pier to process food shipments and other humanitarian aid is being finalized by the Biden administration, this is happening at a time when famine is imminent and some US officials question the necessity of the military operation.

Following their deployment from the southeast region of Virginia in the middle of March, four Army ships are expected to arrive in the eastern Mediterranean during the next several days. However, the ever-changing circumstances that have arisen as a result of the war have introduced a new level of uncertainty over the outcome of the attempt.

The perilous security situation in the region is one of the concerns. Iran’s promise to retaliate for Israel’s fatal raid on a diplomatic complex in Syria has raised fears that American servicemen who are deployed in the region face an increased risk. Officials from the United States have denied that Washington was involved in the attack; yet, Tehran continues to assert that the United States “must be held accountable” because it is Israel’s primary provider of support.

U.S. rushes to complete designs for Gaza pier in anticipation of impending famine

A further factor to consider is Israel’s recent assault on a humanitarian convoy belonging to World Central Kitchen, which resulted in the deaths of seven charity workers. In spite of the fact that Israel has admitted that it is to fault for the strike and has stated that the workers should not have been targeted, the tragedy has made it more difficult for the United States to acquire a plan for the distribution of the projected two million meals that are to be offloaded from the port each day.

A further factor to consider is Israel’s recent assault on a humanitarian convoy belonging to World Central Kitchen, which resulted in the deaths of seven charity workers. In spite of the fact that Israel has admitted that it is to fault for the strike and has stated that the workers should not have been targeted, the tragedy has made it more difficult for the United States to acquire a plan for the distribution of the projected two million meals that are to be offloaded from the port each day.

According to officials, there is also a lack of clarity over the speed with which Israel may follow through on its commitment, which was revealed on Thursday in response to pressure from the administration of Vice President Joe Biden, to open an Israeli port and an additional border crossing to northern Gaza in order to allow for more aid to enter the region.

One official from the United States, who, like other officials, spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to be open and honest about the administration’s internal debates, summed up the situation as follows: “We’re building the plane as we fly it.”

Although a senior official in the United States Department of Defense emphasized that it is too early to speculate whether or not the pier will ultimately be used, they noted that the plan for food distribution is still in the process of being finalized. The security strategy for the pier, on the other hand, has been achieved in principle, according to this official. Israeli forces have assured their counterparts in the United States that they will offer considerable protection.

Another official from the Department of Defense stated that the pier operation is continuing, at least for the time being, but they questioned if the early forecasts will be accurate. Following the announcement of the plan by Vice President Biden at his State of the Union speech in March, the Pentagon suggested that the pier might be utilized for a number of months. Despite the fact that some officials have stated that this is still the expectation, the official from the defense department stated that it is possible that this schedule will no longer be required if other methods of relief distribution become available.

Another top official from the United States of America disagreed, stating that the pier “absolutely” still has some use.

This individual stated that in order to achieve the level of assistance that we believe is required, it will be necessary to employ a strategy that involves all of the available resources. In light of this, we will require not only the ground routes but also the pier for a period of time that is not specified.

There has been a lot of criticism directed at the Biden administration because of its unwavering support for Israel. As a result, the administration has increased the amount of pressure it is putting on Israeli officials to not only protect civilians during their military assault but also to significantly boost the amount of food that is allowed into Gaza. On Thursday, the White House issued a warning that if those demands are not met, it may be necessary for the United States to alter its stance about the war.

People in Gaza are facing terrible hunger, and the World Health Organization has declared that certain areas of the Palestinian enclave could experience a full-blown famine by the month of May. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has become increasingly dire. It is a consequence of this classification that a great number of individuals have almost little food, which leads to famine and ultimately death.

Another official from the Department of Defense claimed that the functioning of the pier is continuing, at least for the time being; however, they questioned whether or not the initial forecasts will be correct. After Vice President Biden made the announcement of the plan during his State of the Union speech in March, the Pentagon proposed that the pier may be utilized for a number of months. This was in response to the fact that the proposal had been announced. Furthermore, the official from the Department of Defense noted that it is possible that this schedule will no longer be required in the event that other methods of relief distribution become available. This is in spite of the fact that certain officials have stated that this is still the assumption.

The pier “absolutely” still has some function, according to a different high-ranking official from the United States of America, who disagreed with the previous statement.

It was stated by this individual that in order to attain the degree of support that we believe is required, it will be necessary to implement a strategy that utilizes all of the resources that are now accessible. Due to this, we will require not just the ground routes but also the pier for an unspecified amount of time. This is because the ground routes are our primary concern.

Because of the administration of Vice President Joe Biden’s steadfast support for Israel, there has been a great deal of criticism leveled toward the government. Because of this, the administration has raised the amount of pressure it is putting on Israeli officials to not only protect civilians during their military attack but also to greatly increase the amount of food that is allowed into Gaza. This is because the administration is concerned about the situation. A warning was issued by the White House on Thursday, stating that if those conditions are not met, it may be essential for the United States to change its position toward the war.

A number of regions within the Palestinian enclave are at risk of experiencing a full-blown famine by the month of May, according to the World Health Organization, which has declared that the people living in Gaza are suffering a dreadful starvation situation. Gaza is currently experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe that is becoming progressively grave. As a result of this classification, a significant number of people are severely lacking in food, which ultimately results in starvation and finally leads to death.
The senior administration official stated that the United Nations is considered to be the “primary recipient” and distributor of aid that is coming off the pier. They also stated that other organizations will be welcome to use the pier to bring in their own food, but that Israel must regain trust with those organizations after the attack on the World Central Kitchen.

That the strike “has a chilling effect” was something that the official stated without a shadow of a doubt.

NC State women’s basketball loses Final Four against South Carolina.

NC State women’s basketball loses Final Four against South Carolina.

You would never be able to tell the odds against the NC State women’s basketball team throughout the first half of their game on Friday in the Final Four.

The Wolfpack showed out to play despite the fact that they were labeled as 11.5-point underdogs as well as the fact that they were going up against the unbeaten South Carolina Gamecocks. Although North Carolina State was behind for the majority of the first half, the deficit was never greater than two possessions at any point during the game. Following the conclusion of the first quarter, the score was tied, and by the time the first half was up, South Carolina was only ahead by a single point.

On the other hand, by the second half, the bottom had dropped out. At the beginning of the third quarter, South Carolina made seven of its first nine shots, which allowed them to extend their advantage to twelve points before the media timeout. Despite this, the Gamecocks continued to build their lead, which reached as much as 24 points before the quarter was up. The stoppage did not seem to have any effect on them.

North Carolina State was defeated by South Carolina by a score of 78-59, putting an end to the Wolfpack’s pursuit of a national championship in Cleveland, Ohio. South Carolina was virtually on cruise control from that point on.

NC State women's basketball loses Final Four against South Carolina.

Demise sealed in third quarter

It was only due to a missed free throw by Mimi Collins that the Wolfpack (31-7) were behind at the conclusion of the first half. The Gamecocks (37-0) breezed past NC State in the third quarter, despite the fact that they had kept the game tight for the first two quarters.

The once-dominant defense of the Wolfpack allowed 29 points to be scored on 60 percent shooting, while the offense was unable to even begin to make up for the deficit the defense created. The Wolfpack were only able to score six points in the third quarter thanks to South Carolina’s defense, which only allowed them to make one shot, which was a layup by Aziaha James.

Rivers flat vs. former team

Saniya Rivers had a chance to make a statement against her old team, but she couldn’t tap into her regular-season form on Friday. The All-ACC guard and former Gamecock made just one of her first nine shots, finishing the game with just five points and five turnovers

March Madness, NCAA Final Four, and NC State vs. Purdue basketball predictions are in!

On Saturday (6:09 p.m. ET, TBS), the No. 11 seed from the 2024 NCAA Tournament, North Carolina State, will play in the Final Four versus the No. 1 seed from Purdue.

State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona will host the first national semifinal matchup between the Wolfpack (26-14) and the Boilermakers (33-4).

With victories over Duke, Marquette, Texas Tech, and Oakland, North Carolina State advanced to its first Final Four since 1983, when it won the national title. For the first time since 1980, Purdue has made it to the Final Four.

Before North Carolina State and West Virginia meet in the Final Four, here are a few things you should know, as well as my score prediction. On Monday for the national championship, the victor will face either fourth-seeded Alabama (25-11) or top-seeded UConn (35-3).

NC State women's basketball loses Final Four against South Carolina.

A titanic showdown pits DJ Burns of NC State against Zach Edey of Purdue

What happens when an unstoppable force collides with an object that lacks the ability to move? Zach Edey, a center who stands 7 feet 4 inches tall, will face DJ Burns, a forward who stands 6 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 275 pounds, in a heavyweight matchup this coming weekend. Over the course of NC State’s victory over Duke, Burns scored 29 points on 13 of 19 shots, and Edey scored 40 points and grabbed 16 rebounds in the subsequent game against Tennessee. This next weekend, the United States of America will be paying close attention to this matchup.

In a startling analogy, Tom Moody was impressed by the SRH captain’s “odd decision” and said that Pat Cummins was similar to MS Dhoni.

In a startling analogy, Tom Moody was impressed by the SRH captain's "odd decision" and said that Pat Cummins was similar to MS Dhoni.

BY SIRAJ April -06-2024

While Sunrisers Hyderabad defeated Chennai Super Kings by six wickets in their Indian Premier League 2024 match on Friday, Pat Cummins once again demonstrated his captaincy talents to their maximum capacity. Aiden Markram’s half-century, which he achieved by hitting 50 off of 36 balls, was the driving force behind SRH’s achievement of 166/4 in 18.1 overs while they were attempting to chase 166. For his part, Abhishek Sharma, who is 23 years old and opened the innings alongside Travis Head, scored 37 runs off just 12 deliveries.

In a startling analogy, Tom Moody was impressed by the SRH captain's "odd decision" and said that Pat Cummins was similar to MS Dhoni.

It was Cummins’ decision to deploy Abhishek for the opening over rather than Bhuvneshwar Kumar that brought everyone’s attention to him during the first innings of the Indian cricket match. Shivam Dube hit 45 runs off of 24 balls, which contributed to CSK’s score of 165/5 after 20 overs. At the same time, Bhuvneshwar, T Natarajan, Cummins, Shahbaz Ahmed, and Jaydev Unadkat each grabbed a wicket for the SRH bowlers, demonstrating the collaborative team effort that they put forth.

In a startling analogy, Tom Moody was impressed by the SRH captain's "odd decision" and said that Pat Cummins was similar to MS Dhoni.

In an interview with ESPNCricinfo, Tom Moody showered praise on Cummins and compared his captaincy abilities to those of MS Dhoni. There is one thing about Cummins that I admire, and that is that he reminds me of MS Dhoni. You are left wondering, “Why didn’t I think about that?” because he is willing to make a choice that the majority of people don’t give any thought to being a possibility. Have a preference for the Abhishek Sharma. “Taking into consideration the various other choices that they could have made, it was a decision that was quite peculiar,” he observed.

It is arguable that Bhuvneshwar Kumar is the best new ball bowler in the history of the Indian Premier League. Against left-handed batters, you have an off-spinner at your disposal. Perhaps you believe that Markram is another one of them. In addition to that, there were a lot of other options available to him. “However, he made a commitment to that, and it appeared that he had already convinced himself that it was the appropriate choice from the very beginning,” he went on to say.

The victory allowed SRH to move up to fifth place in the points table, where they currently sit with four points after four matches. CSK, on the other hand, continues to hold the third spot with four points overall and a higher net run rate.

During this time, Cummins made the following statement after the match: “The first thing is always to get the points.” At the top of the bowling order, I would not want to be bowling to him (Abhishek) and Trav Head. There was a tremendous crowd tonight. On the moment that MS stepped out, the volume was the loudest I’ve ever heard.

Israel to Expand Gaza Aid Routes After Biden Hints at Civilian Protection

After a difficult phone call between President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House said that Israel had agreed to allow a crossing and that the agreement had been reached.

Israel to Expand Gaza Aid Routes After Biden Hints at Civilian Protection
Israel to Expand Gaza Aid Routes After Biden Hints at Civilian Protection

A Pied-à-Terre in Manhattan for Under $800,000? It Was Tried by  Virginia Farmers couple.

Israel to Expand Gaza Aid Routes After Biden Hints at Civilian Protection

After living in Boston for thirteen years, Stuart and Patti Rosenberg uprooted their lives and become farmers in rural Virginia.

Moving to Burkeville, Virginia, (population: 419), after retiring as president and chief executive officer of a medical institution linked with Harvard, was like coming home for 76-year-old Mr. Rosenberg. One of the town’s streets is named after his family, and his mother’s side of the family lived there.

His explanation was that they were farmers. “The other set of grandparents I have in my family came to Boston from Lithuania as Jews.”

The 66-year-old Ms. Rosenberg was skeptical. Some have joked that she wanted to be cremated after she died so that no bugs could contact her.

Health care professional Ms. Rosenberg first saw the farm as a side project, but after learning about American food systems she “was just appalled” and decided it was her true calling. After purchasing the 230-acre property from Mr. Rosenberg’s uncle, the pair turned it into an organic farm and agritourism attraction with three workers, a C.S.A., a flock of sheep, hens, horses, hogs, and cattle.

The joke, according to Mr. Rosenberg, will be that we will dispose of her in the compost after she passes away.

Have you just purchased a house? Send us a message. [The Hunt at]

However, the Rosenbergs started to long for city life, particularly the cultural opportunities, as the years went by. Mr. Rosenberg exclaimed, “That was exciting.” He went on to say that he is skilled with tractors, hay baling, cutting, and mowing. “After a decade, though, I wonder if that’s been enough.”

Ms. Rosenberg had a client meeting in New York City last summer, so they took a trip there. While taking a leisurely walk on the Upper West Side, Mr. Rosenberg couldn’t help but peruse the window listings displayed by several real estate agencies. There was one apartment that piqued his interest, at around $650,000.

Real estate realtor and interior designer Nicky Rosendorff of the Corcoran Group came out to see if she might be of use. “Then I asked, ‘Who, me?'” According to Mr. Rosenberg, that was remembered.

He stated, “We had no idea of ever buying a place,” referring to the belief that real estate was too costly. “It must be worth a million bucks.”

New York had always been a favorite destination for the couple, so the thought of settling down there was thrilling. Repurposing the farm as a haven for native flora and fauna, they had just started cutting down on operations.

“We won’t ever leave Burkeville; that’s not the point,” Ms. Rosenberg stated. “However, visiting New York is an honor for us.”

After Ms. Rosendorff suggested they have a look around, they were soon in the midst of a frantic hunt for a pied-à-terre in Manhattan.

“At the time, buyers were hesitant to enter the market due to the higher interest rates,” Ms. Rosendorff explained. Therefore, it allowed consumers to make more informed choices in a slower market. Plus, there was a plethora of information to share with them.

Having up to $800,000 to spend, the Rosenbergs prioritized proximity to parks and cultural centers. Plus, parking was an absolute necessity due to their driving to and from Virginia.

Did the couple have any pets? That was the last inquiry Ms. Rosendorff had. At least 200, according to Ms. Rosenberg.

After a difficult phone call between President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House said that Israel had agreed to allow a crossing and that the agreement had been reached.

President Biden threatened on Thursday to condition future support for Israel on how it addresses his concerns about civilian casualties and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, prompting Israel to commit to permitting more food and other supplies into the besieged enclave in hopes of placating him.

During a tense 30-minute call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Mr. Biden for the first time leveraged U.S. aid to influence the conduct of the war against Hamas that has inflamed many Americans and others around the world. The announcement of additional aid routes hours later met some but not all of Mr. Biden’s demands.

“President Biden emphasized that the strikes on humanitarian workers and the overall humanitarian situation are unacceptable,” according to a White House summary of the call. “He made clear the need for Israel to announce and implement a series of specific, concrete, and measurable steps to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering, and the safety of aid workers. He made clear that U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel’s immediate action on these steps.”

The statement was the sharpest the White House has issued on Israel’s conduct in the six months of its war against Hamas, underscoring the president’s growing frustration with Mr. Netanyahu and his anger over this week’s killing of seven aid workers by Israeli military forces. But while the president repeated his call for a negotiated deal that would result in an “immediate cease-fire” and the release of hostages taken by Hamas, White House officials stopped short of saying directly that he might limit U.S. arms supplies if not satisfied.

Israel began to signal to Mr. Biden in the middle of the night in Jerusalem. A U.S. National Security Council spokeswoman says Israel has agreed to increase deliveries from Jordan, reopen the Erez crossing into northern Gaza for the first time since the Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7, and use the Ashdod port to direct aid into Gaza.

Anonymous Biden administration insiders provided more details on the secret call, saying that Mr. Netanyahu agreed to additional assurances meant to reassure the president. The authorities stated that, among other things, Israel would pledge to take additional steps to lessen civilian losses and to give more power to negotiators who are trying to secure a temporary ceasefire in return for the release of the captives.

American officials allegedly reached an agreement while threatening Mr. Netanyahu with consequences if he refused. The challenge of increasing the flow of humanitarian supplies to Gaza has grown exponentially since the attack on aid workers caused some groups to reconsider their activities on the ground. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, who dialed into the call between the president and prime minister, said afterwards that Israel needed to do more.

Speaking at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Mr. Blinken warned that becoming indistinguishable from the people we face was the danger of losing respect for human life. Despite significant initiatives taken by Israel to permit aid into Gaza, here is the present reality in Gaza: Insufficient and inadequate results have been observed on the ground.

The Biden administration is prepared to take action if Israel continues to reject its advice, as the secretary of state made plain. “Policy will be adjusted if the necessary changes are not achieved,” he said.

To affect Israel’s strategy in the conflict, the president has long resisted the idea of reducing the flow of weapons. Following Hamas’s October massacre of 1,200 innocent people and the kidnapping of hundreds of others, Mr. Biden reaffirmed his “rock solid and unwavering” backing of Israel. He has remained steadfast in his promise despite his growing criticism of the military operation for what he perceives as its excesses.

Even Senator Chris Coons, a fellow Democrat from Delaware and confidant of the president, is beginning to agree that Washington should have more control over the weaponry. This is due to the growing left-wing agitation, especially in states that could decide the election, such as Michigan.

“I believe we’ve reached that stage,” Mr. Coons stated on CNN last Thursday morning. “I would vote to condition aid to Israel” if Mr. Netanyahu wanted to send a battalion to attack Hamas without regard for civilians or humanitarian aid, or if he ordered the Israeli military to storm the southern Gaza city of Rafah with thousands of bombs, he said.

In his remarks on Thursday, Mr. Netanyahu seemed unfazed, though he did not immediately provide details about his conversation with Mr. Biden. President Biden has long advocated for a two-state solution to the Palestinian dilemma; during a meeting in Jerusalem with visiting Republican lawmakers organized by AIPAC, the prime minister firmly rejected this viewpoint.

According to Mr. Netanyahu, there is an effort to impose a Palestinian state on the Israelis. This state would serve as a sanctuary for terrorists and a springboard for more attacks, similar to the Gaza Strip’s Hamas state. “That is strongly opposed by Israelis.”

He spoke specifically about Iran’s danger in another video statement. Following an Israeli airstrike that killed seven Iranian military officers in Syria this week, Mr. Netanyahu stated, “Israel is acting against Iran and its proxies in both defensive and offensive operations.” He argued that Iran has been actively working against Israel for years, through both direct and indirect means.

“We will be prepared to defend ourselves,” he continued, “and our operations will be guided by the straightforward principle that whoever attacks us or attempts to attack us—we will attack them.”

While speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday—along with Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan—Mr. Biden stood for Israel in its fight against Iran, according to a statement released by the White House.

Iranian threats against Israel and its citizens were also a topic of discussion between the two presidents, according to the statement. “In light of those threats, President Biden made it very clear that the United States firmly backs Israel.”

The most recent White House statement, in contrast to earlier remarks, omitted both the now-ritual justification of Israel’s right to respond to Hamas and the events of October 7. It stated that Mr. Biden “urged the prime minister to empower his negotiators to conclude a deal without delay to bring the hostages home” and stressed the need for “an immediate cease-fire.” On the other hand, according to an anonymous source with knowledge of the issue, negotiators, including C.I.A. director William J. Burns, will visit Cairo on Saturday for additional discussions over this potential arrangement.

Netanyahu is warned by Biden that Gaza is ‘unacceptable’

Netanyahu is warned by Biden that Gaza is ‘unacceptable’

The Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, stated during his conversation with the leader of Israel that the United States’ policy will shift if Israel does not take “specific, concrete, and measurable” efforts to alleviate the destruction in Gaza.

Netanyahu is warned by Biden that Gaza is ‘unacceptable’

BY SIRAJ April-05-2024

Legislators in Nebraska reject a Trump-backed effort to alter the electoral vote system.

Joe Biden managed to steal an electoral vote in 2020 because Nebraska is one of just two states that distributes them among statewide and congressional district winners.

Campaign for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. labels those charged on January 6 as “activists,” but later retracts email

After some time had passed, the team representing the independent presidential candidate indicated that the statement, which stated that the accused had been deprived of their rights, “does not reflect Mr. Kennedy’s views.”

In the event that Israel does not quickly take efforts that are “specific, concrete, and measurable” to remedy the crisis, the president has stated that the United States’ policy will be altered.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, was informed by Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday that the United States would reevaluate its stance regarding the conflict in Gaza if the Jewish state did not take quick action to solve the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the enclave and protect relief workers.
John Kirby, a spokesperson for the White House, stated that “in the coming hours and days, we will be looking for concrete, tangible steps that they are taking.”

The phone discussion between the two leaders took place three days after seven workers from the World Central Kitchen, which is owned by José Andrés, were killed by an Israeli attack on a clearly designated convoy. This strike sparked indignation in the United States as well as in other countries. According to Kirby, the president made the call with Netanyahu precisely because of the devastating strike. He also stated that Biden was “shaken” by the incident.

According to a description of the discussion provided by the White House, Vice President Biden “made clear the need for Israel to announce and implement a series of specific, concrete, and measurable steps to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering, and the safety of aid workers” during the call that took place on Thursday. “He made it abundantly clear that our evaluation of Israel’s immediate action on these steps will be the determining factor in the United States’ subsequent policy regarding Gaza,”
It was the first time that Vice President Biden has shown a willingness to reevaluate his steadfast support for Israel’s assault in Gaza. This comes at a time when prominent Democrats are increasing the amount of pressure they are putting on Israel to condition the sale of weapons to Israel. According to the Gaza Health Ministry, the number of deaths in Gaza has since topped 33,000. However, up until this point, the president had not openly warned Israel of the consequences that would result from its failure to alter its course of action. The president’s rhetoric has become increasingly harsh in relation to Israel’s handling of the problem.

Over the course of the last few decades, this event also represented a rare instance in which the United States of America has hinted that its support for Israel is anything than unconditional.

On Thursday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered a reiteration of the message in Brussels. A close ally of Vice President Joe Biden and a stalwart defender of Israel, Senator Chris Coons (Democrat of Delaware), stated that the United States is “at that point” where restrictions must be placed on the provision of military assistance to Israel.

The shifting dynamics come at a time when Israel is making preparations to attack the city of Rafah, which is located in the southern part of Gaza. There, around 1.5 million Palestinians are currently taking refuge in deteriorating conditions after fleeing there on Israeli orders. A massive campaign in Rafah that would put a large number of people at peril has been cautioned against by officials from the United States of America.

“I would vote to condition aid to Israel,” Coons stated on CNN. “If Benjamin Netanyahu were to order the [Israel Defense Forces] into Rafah at scale… and make no provision for civilians or for humanitarian aid, I would vote to condition aid to Israel.” It’s the first time I’ve ever said that. It’s the first time I’ve ever been here.”

Despite the fact that the White House issued a clear warning, it did not provide any specifics regarding how it would judge whether or not Israel had cooperated with Biden’s demands, or how the United States policy could be altered in the event that the administration determined that Israel had not done so.

Kirby made the following statement: “If we do not see changes from their side, then there will be changes from our side.” On the other hand, I won’t give you a sneak peek at what that might look like. He declined to comment on whether or not the United States government might stop providing Israel with military assistance.

According to Kirby, among of the reforms that Vice President Biden would want to see include “a dramatic increase in humanitarian aid getting in, additional crossings opened up, and a reduction in violence against civilians.” In addition, he stated that the United States of America anticipated that Israel would not merely “announce” reforms, but would also “execute” and “implement” such changes.

At a later time on Thursday, Israel had revealed the first actions it will take to satisfy Biden’s demands. These measures included opening the Ashdod port to allow for direct delivery of aid into Gaza; opening the Erez crossing in Israel to assist in facilitating the delivery of aid into northern Gaza, where law and order have collapsed and aid organizations have warned that famine is already underway; and increasing the amount of aid that is delivered from Jordan.

With a statement that “must now be fully and rapidly implemented,” the White House expressed its approval of the initiatives.Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council of the White House, stated in a statement that the United States’ stance regarding Gaza “will be determined by our assessment of Israel’s immediate action on these and other steps.”

The account of the call between Biden and Netanyahu that was provided by the White House stated that Biden had conveyed to Netanyahu that the humanitarian situation in Gaza was “unacceptable” and that he had requested a “immediate ceasefire.”

As a result of Hamas militants storming through the border and killing 1,200 people, including a significant number of civilians, Israel began its military campaign in Gaza. Additionally, 253 individuals were taken prisoner.

Biden urged Netanyahu on Thursday to “empower his negotiators to conclude a deal without delay to bring the hostages home,” according to the White House. This suggests that the Israeli leader could be doing more to secure a six-week cease-fire that would result in the release of a significant number of the remaining hostages that were taken by Hamas on October 7. For a number of months, authorities related to Biden have been advocating for the cease-fire.

Over and over again, Vice President Biden and his top advisers have put pressure on Israel to permit more supplies to enter Gaza, minimize the number of civilian casualties, and protect relief workers. However, they have not been willing to take any punitive actions up to this point, despite the fact that Netanyahu has been increasingly rebellious of the requests made by the United States, despite the extraordinary support from the military.

In an interview with Reuters on Wednesday, Andrés, a well-known chef and the proprietor of World Central Kitchen, stated that Israel targeted his employees “systematically, car by car.” It was unclear to him how the administration of Vice President Joe Biden could continue to help Israel with armaments while at the same time providing humanitarian assistance in Gaza.

The statement that Kirby made on Thursday was that “our support for Israel’s self-defense remains ironclad.” They are confronted with a variety of dangers, and the United States of America is not going to ignore its obligation to assist Israel in defending itself. With that being said, the president is of the opinion that the way in which they are defending themselves against a threat posed by Hamas needs to be altered, and he continues to hold this belief.

As a result of Israel’s foray into Gaza, a humanitarian crisis has occurred, as the United Nations reports that hundreds of children have perished as a result of hunger and starvation. It has been reported by authorities from the United States and aid organizations that more than eighty percent of Gaza’s population has been forced to relocate, and the entire population is currently experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity.

The battle has resulted in the deaths of over 200 humanitarian relief workers, the majority of whom are Palestinians. According to a senior official from the United Nations, this number is roughly three times higher than the death toll recorded in any other conflict in a single year. The president has been moved to use substantially more forceful rhetoric than he has in the past throughout the six-month battle. Biden is close to Andrés, whom he refers to as a “friend,” and the slaughter of the workers at World Central Kitchen has prompted him to do so.

Despite the support of Vice President Joe Biden, Netanyahu has disobeyed the United States on a number of significant matters. The requests that Vice President Biden made for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, his demands that additional aid be let into Gaza, and his warnings against a full-scale operation in Rafah have all been rejected or ignored by the Prime Minister.

Kirby stated that the challenges of humanitarian aid and the impending invasion of Rafah are tied together in a way that cannot be separated.

“Today’s call was really focused on humanitarian assistance, civilian casualties, and that includes workers in the humanitarian aid sector,” Kirby added. However, “you can’t talk about Rafah and the possibility of operations going after those Hamas battalions in Rafah without also talking about the humanitarian situation down there, which is dire,” as the saying goes.

[Palmer’s hat trick] :- Palmer kills off thriller with hat trick as Chelsea beat Manchester United 4-3

Palmer kills off thriller with hat trick as Chelsea beat Manchester United 4-3


Cole Palmer’s hat trick was more impressive than Alejandro Garnacho’s third brace of the season, as Chelsea overturned a two-goal deficit to defeat Manchester United 4-3 at Stamford Bridge on Thursday. Two goals scored in stoppage time secured the victory. Cole Palmer scored a pair of goals.

After a controversial penalty kick by Palmer, which was his second of the game, and a viciously deflected winner, Erik ten Hag will be forced to answer difficult questions. This comes after two failing big-name ventures came into conflict with each other, and Erik ten Hag will be forced to answer difficult questions.

Conor Gallagher scored Chelsea’s other goal, and the result of the game moves the Blues up to 43 points and places them in 10th place on the standings. Chelsea is currently in seventh place, two points behind West Ham and five points behind Manchester United, despite having a match in hand.

With only eight matches remaining in the Premier League season, United’s 48 points are nine points behind Tottenham, who are in fifth place. Bruno Fernandes joined Garnacho on the score sheet for United, who are currently in fifth place.

Names add flavor, and athletes offer possibilities

The matchup between Chelsea and Manchester United is guaranteed to attract a large number of spectators to televisions and stadiums, but these reincarnations of the two renowned Premier League clubs offered a different kind of pleasure nonetheless.

Neither the Blues nor the Red Devils were able to maintain control of the ball, and rather than looking like their famed badges, they appeared to be more like their poor records. And despite the fact that it appeared as though Erik ten Hag would find a spot under his chair that was suitable for a Red Devil, he will depart to celebrate the comeback of his club as Mauricio Pochettino responds to queries about his project.

The teams combined for 47 shots, which was a result of the sloppy midfield defense that provided for lots of shooting lanes. Twenty-eight of them were taken by Chelsea, and ten of them were on target. There are twelve corners that have been won by the Blues, while Manchester United has only three, and you would have to declare that the Blues have earned all three points. They only needed eleven minutes of stoppage time and a penalty decision that was quite close to being zero to win the game.

Andrew Scott portrays the charismatic but unconvincing Mr. Ripley.

Andrew Scott portrays the charismatic but unconvincing Mr. Ripley.

Andrew Scott portrays the charismatic but unconvincing Mr. Ripley.

Reactions to Andrew Scott’s casting as host of the new “The Talented Mr. Ripley” followed a predictable and excited script, at least in my social circles: “The hot priest from “Fleabag” is playing Tom Ripley!”

Understanding the anticipation was not difficult. The sensual edge with which the picture directed by Anthony Minghella in 1999 displayed Jude Law, Matt Damon, and Gwyneth Paltrow at the height of their youth and beauty is something that those who are familiar with the film remember in their minds. Considering that Scott’s magnetic performance as Moriarty in “Sherlock” was the most memorable part of the show, and that his electric turn as Fleabag’s love interest (and confessor) in Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s beloved series catapulted the Irish actor into a sensation seemingly overnight, one could only imagine what he would do with the role. Every single person on the internet had a crush on him, and he had become a dreamboat. What sensual heights would he accomplish as Patricia Highsmith’s most successful literary creation, that charismatic con artist whose proclivity for slaying barriers to his social climb she recorded over the course of five novels?

The response that Scott provides is, as is his custom, captivating; yet, it is likely to disappoint those of his followers who are more thirsty. In Steven Zaillian’s “Ripley,” a gorgeous, witty, cinematic extravaganza that chronicles the charlatan’s journey from a bleak existence in New York City to a luxurious one in Italy, the actor obliterates every trace of his considerable charm to produce a gloomy, awkward Tom Ripley whose joyless smile is as false as the signatures he fakes. “Ripley” is considered to be a cinematic extravaganza.

To make this perfectly apparent, this is an excellent (and pointed) choice. One is able to comprehend the reasons behind this man’s desire to flee his dreary surroundings and himself. The reason why his friendly American target, a wealthy aspiring artist named Dickie Greenleaf (Johnny Flynn), promises to provide him with lodging in Italy is as follows: In the process of trying to turn Dickie against him, Dickie’s girlfriend, Marge Sherwood (Dakota Fanning), a middling memoirist from Minnesota, realizes that Scott portrays the character as being so outwardly bland and unoffending that he is technically unimpeachable even if he is a touch unpleasant. Several times, Scott and Fanning have made jokes about the “anti-chemistry” between their characters.()

One thing that Scott’s selections make very clear is that Tom, much like his target and the title of the novel, is not particularly brilliant. The despondent con artist accepts a lifeline in the shape of a commission (from Dickie’s affluent father) to get Dickie to forsake his life of luxury on the Italian coast and return home. This is because the con artist is facing the possibility of being charged in New York for a fraud that was very simple to detect. To put it simply, Tom’s primary strategy is to never speak more than what is required of him. It is because of his chronic tactlessness that he is able to avoid correcting the elder Greenleaf’s erroneous belief that he and his son are friends in this particular occasion. After some time has passed, it provides him with a humorous way to avoid having to provide his opinion regarding Dickie’s “art.” The advancements that Tom makes as a result of his abilities as a respectable and sometimes compulsive mimic are dwarfed by the advancements that he makes by merely riffing on the incompetence of others. Additionally, Tom accomplishes these advancements by performing a kind of embarrassing semi-transparency in social circumstances, which ironically earns him Dickie’s trust.

In order to compensate for Scott’s lack of discipline, the camera, which is a wildly expressive agent, swiftly positions itself as the show’s most prominent character (and the sole actual artist). In his black-and-white cinematography, Robert Elswit does not show any signs of chill. The show takes great pleasure in transforming practically every shot into a work of art, and it does it in a manner that is both arrogant and fun at times. Methodologies can vary. The lens might settle briefly for virtuosic stillness — letting the subject wander through a gorgeously composed and static frame instead of following them through it, with everything in technically brilliant focus — then swing into maniacal motion, dramatizing the act of typing a letter (for instance) by swooping through so many different focal planes and angles that the scene starts to feel unreal, hyperstylized, absurd.

Given the often unflattering realism, the decision to photograph the center trio in a rather plain manner can sometimes feel laden. As a result of the steadfastness with which this particular camera, which creates sublime compositions out of bolts and steel beams and mousetraps and blood, refuses to glamorize its very-good-looking actors, the love triangle comes to appear to be more boring than enticing. The effect has the impression of a purposeful sendup, perhaps of the breathless frisson that is associated with Gatsby-adjacent narratives about social climbers (there is no Daisy Buchanans in this film), or (perhaps) of the youthful beauty that Minghella’s 1999 adaptation lingers upon. A few imperfections, such as Tom’s wrinkles and Marge’s stray hairs, are sometimes brought to the attention of the observer by the lens. The fact that they are shot in black and white simply serves to accentuate the degree to which these characters, who are striving for something such as art, mastery, or transcendence, become sluggish. The camera’s refusal to worship these gorgeous performers in traditional terms may be the most amusing choice it makes, especially if it covers both recognizable themes (such as the splendors of Italy) and quirky ones (such as the emotions of desk clerks).

Biden maintains stance on Gaza despite reprimanding Israel over humanitarian workers

Biden maintains his stance on Gaza despite reprimanding Israel over humanitarian workers.

As President Biden drums up his rhetoric but does little to compel Israel to modify its attitude, some experts believe that such contradictions have resulted in a policy that is becoming increasingly unclear that has been brought about by the policy.

Analysis: No Biden ‘red line’ on Gaza

Biden maintains his stance on Gaza despite reprimanding Israel over humanitarian workers.

American parent, military veteran murdered in Gaza Israeli strike

President Biden voiced a rare public censure of Israel for creating the conditions that have made the distribution of aid inside Gaza so difficult and dangerous. This came as indignation grew on Tuesday over an Israeli attack that resulted in the deaths of seven workers from the World Central Kitchen, which is headed by José Andrés.

“This is not an isolated incident,” the victim said. When it comes to the number of people who have lost their lives as a result of this battle, Vice President Biden stated that it is among the worst in recent history. Because Israel has not taken adequate measures to protect relief workers who are attempting to provide vitally needed assistance to civilians, the distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza has been extremely challenging. This is one of the primary reasons for this difficulty.

On the other hand, there is little evidence to suggest that the unshakable support that the Biden administration has for Israel would be altered in any meaningful way as a result of the killings of the workers that occurred on Monday. Among the workers was an American. The harsh denunciation issued by the president is the most recent example of what academics, outside advisers, and even some officials from the Biden administration have described as an increasingly discordant stance to Israel’s six-month assault in Gaza.

Despite the fact that Biden has demonstrated a readiness to employ substantially more harsh rhetoric with Israel over the course of the previous two months, he has not yet been willing to combine his condemnation and calls for moderation with tangible pressure. According to White House advisers who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss internal dynamics, Vice President Biden and his top aides have little appetite for imposing punitive action on Israel, such as conditioning or suspending weapons sales. This is despite the fact that they are extremely frustrated with the manner in which Israel is conducting the war.

Following Vice President Joe Biden’s statement that he was “outraged and heartbroken” about the workers at World Central Kitchen, White House Spokesman John Kirby assured reporters on Wednesday morning that the administration’s unwavering support for Israel will not be altered in any way.

By saying, “We make no bones about the fact that we have certain issues about some of the way things are being done,” Kirby was able to convey the sentiment that we have. “We also make no bones about the fact that Israel is going to continue to have American support for the fight that they are in to eliminate the threat that Hamas poses,” the statement reads.

Israeli forces attacked Andrés’s employees “systematically, car by car,” he told Reuters on Wednesday. He demanded independent inquiries into the deaths of individuals from the US and other nations.

Nevertheless, Kirby stated earlier on Wednesday that the US has faith in Israel to carry out “a comprehensive, thorough, and transparent investigation,” and that the administration is not setting a timeframe for the investigation’s conclusion. Additionally, he expressed uncertainty on whether the strike’s weaponry had been provided by the United States government.

Andrés questioned the Biden administration’s ability to end the war and alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza while still supplying weapons to Israel. He also urged the US to do more to stop the violence.

“Understanding it is quite challenging….” The United States is sending its military and navy to help, but the weapons they provide are murdering innocent people, Andrés said in an interview with Reuters.

Much of Gaza’s population is on the verge of hunger due to a humanitarian crisis, and the US has long demanded that Israel expand the flow of supplies into the territory. According to a senior U.N. official, the war has resulted in the deaths of over 200 humanitarian relief workers, the majority of whom are Palestinians. This is roughly three times the number of casualties recorded in any one conflict in a year.

The vice president and vice president have stated that Israel has “no excuses” for not allowing more aid to be delivered into Gaza. Last month, however, the US also stated that Israel was not blocking the delivery of humanitarian supplies, which was a requirement for nations to receive U.S. arms and military help that the Biden administration imposed this year.

Some observers have argued that Biden’s policy has become more muddled as a consequence of these apparent contradictions, since he increases his rhetoric without exerting sufficient pressure on Israel to alter its stance.

Not words, but deeds, are what really count. Frank Lowenstein, a senior State Department official who assisted in leading Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in 2014 under President Barack Obama, stated that words alone will not be enough to capture Israel’s attention; history proves otherwise.

“While expressing our anger over the severe humanitarian assistance issues caused by these extreme incidents, we also want to make it clear that our official stance is that Israel has followed U.S. and international law,” Lowenstein continued. “Why would Israel change their behavior if we’re saying there are no consequences and there hasn’t been any wrongdoing on their part?”

More and more Democrats and Biden supporters are calling on the government to demand a ceasefire immediately and put conditions on military aid, if not suspend it entirely.

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) called the murder of seven humanitarian workers from the World Central Kitchen “outrageous” and “another devastating and deeply preventable tragedy.” President Joe Biden echoed this sentiment. Israel must improve its efforts to safeguard civilians, according to President Biden. He must now demand an end to the fighting for good, announce a permanent ceasefire, and free all the captives before we can even consider giving Israel more offensive weaponry.

As a result of his stance on Israel, Biden has lost support from many segments of his Democratic base, including progressives, young people, Arab Americans, and people of color, which has affected his electoral fortunes. Still, it seems that Biden’s new tone has failed to sway those voters. The most recent demonstration against Biden’s policies occurred on Tuesday in the Democratic primary in Wisconsin, where approximately 50,000 people—twice the margin of victory Biden had in the state in 2020—voted “uninstructed delegation” to send a message to Biden that he needs to reverse his policies or face the prospect of losing their support come November.

Simultaneously, some Republicans have positioned themselves as more dependable supporters of Israel in response to the president’s heightened public criticism of the Jewish state. They have accused Biden of giving in to the most extreme elements of his party.

Aides to Vice President Biden have been fast to downplay the significance of any rift with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The US voted against a resolution by the UN Security Council last week that would have ended the fighting in Gaza immediately and ensured a truce until the Islamic holy month of Ramadan ended next week. “Immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, assuring humanitarian access.” was another demand made in the resolution.

The United States had already rejected three prior United Nations cease-fire resolutions, thus Biden’s decision to abstain looked to indicate a significant change in strategy. However, Kirby quickly clarified that the resolution was not legally binding and that the United States’ decision to abstain did not indicate a shift in policy.

In response to a violent cross-border attack by terrorists commanded by Hamas on October 7, which killed 1,200 people (including numerous civilians) and abducted 253, Israel initiated a military offensive in Gaza. The Gaza Health Ministry reports that over 32,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s attack on Gaza. The majority of those casualties are women and children. The United Nations reports that scores of children have perished from famine and malnutrition as a result of the breakdown of the health system, which has also caused a humanitarian calamity.

A former Obama administration official and current president of Refugees International, Jeremy Konyndyk, claimed that Netanyahu and the Israeli government are being told they do not have to pay attention to the president’s public remarks because the Biden administration is not willing to punish Israel.

What they’re trying to convey to Israel is that this is all empty words. All of these worries are empty hyperbole. “Until they prove otherwise, they’re just a communications device,” Konyndyk stated. Such is Netanyahu’s stance on the matter. Since Netanyahu and the Israeli military have six months of data to prove they can disobey the president’s orders without consequences, he is treating this as though it doesn’t matter.

During a meeting with a group of Muslim leaders on Tuesday evening—the second such gathering since the conflict started in October—the president, vice president, and senior White House staffers saw the effects of Biden’s support for Israel.

The original invitation from the White House had been for an iftar, the meal when Muslims break their fast every day during Ramadan. However, the guests had requested a policy meeting instead. According to an interview by MedGlobal’s medical director, Nahreen Ahmed, first-hand stories from the beleaguered enclave were relayed by Thaer Ahmad, an emergency physician and colleague of Ahmed’s who had just returned from a medical mission in Gaza.

A Palestinian American named Thaer Ahmad, according to Nahreen Ahmed, walked out of the meeting in protest of the war policies of the Biden administration. However, she remained to voice her disapproval of the Israeli attacks that murdered employees of the World Central Kitchen and to detail the alleged breaches of international humanitarian law committed by the Israeli forces in Gaza.

“It was advertised as an opportunity for individuals on the ground to meet with the president and provide firsthand accounts of the situation in Gaza,” Ahmed explained. However, “in reality, the purpose of the gathering was to convene the Muslim community for the purpose of essentially being lectured and advised to control their expectations regarding the administration’s current response.”

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre mainly declined to comment on anything that occurred at the meeting with Muslim community leaders, saying that it was meant to be private.

“He understands that this is a painful moment for many Americans across the country,” she added when asked, particularly about Biden’s reaction to Ahmad’s choice to leave the meeting. Therefore, he acknowledges and values their right to peacefully demonstrate. Apart from that, I don’t have anything.

A Rafah girl who lost both parents at the age of eight had sent a letter to the president, but she refused to say whether or not the president had read it. He received it during the conference.

Biden has taken a “bear hug” stance toward Netanyahu for the majority of the conflict, publicly endorsing Israel in the vain assumption that this would allow the US to exert private pressure on the Israeli government. Biden aides claim they had a pivotal role in convincing Israel to pull its forces out of Gaza, restrict assistance supplies, and hold off on fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The strategy’s shortcomings, however, are becoming more apparent as Netanyahu persists in openly opposing the US on crucial matters. A large-scale invasion of Rafah, a city in southern Gaza where some 1.3 million Palestinians are taking sanctuary after fleeing there at Israeli orders, has been openly opposed by the United States for the past few weeks. The United States and Israel recently met virtually to discuss Rafah, and while both sides are still hoping to sway Israel’s stance, Netanyahu has stated that he will go ahead with a big invasion anyway.

According to human rights organizations, Netanyahu has done little to open the border for additional supplies to the beleaguered Gazan populace and has also turned down Biden’s requests to recognize a Palestinian state.

The massacre of the World Central Kitchen workers has Biden and his senior aides in an angry frenzy, but they have no plans to investigate the assault on the plainly identified convoy—which was hit three times—on their own. Both Israel and the United States have expressed regret over the “unintentional” strikes.

The likelihood of accountability is greatly diminished if we depend on Israel’s investigation, according to a White House adviser with expertise in such matters.

“Israel investigating itself is not going to result in any meaningful consequences for the IDF soldiers involved,” the adviser added, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.